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Research Papers

“The uplifting power of art is inherent in its nature, for art is itself the expression of a heightened consciousness. If the creations of the artist/performer come from his/her most enhanced states of consciousness they will communicate to the spectator through a contagion of consciousness.”
– Veenapani Chawla

Choreography in Theatre

Any discussion on the canadian healthcare viagra sales role of choreography in Theatre has to be preluded by generic cialis online canada identifying the nature of its signifiers.

Brhannala Paper Nfsc

In Adishakti's view the value of performance lies in its ability to buy cheap viagra online uk create a state of 'ecstasy ' in the mind of the spectator.

Conference on Religious Pluralism

Through our engagement with cialis 20m the Ramayana, certain key insights have surfaced, which we would like to share with you.

Does Globalisation Affect Your Art

Over the last fifteen years we have been creating performances which have been the result of intra cultural, inter cultural and inter disciplinary activity and where to buy levitra cheap collaboration.


Aesthetic importance levitra prices in days of globalization. Wholeness but giving value to the units of seperateness.

The Case for an Aesthetics of Hybridity

Culture is related to knowledge viagra professional scam and knowledge making. How we create knowledge,
what processes we use, which sources we go to, will influence how we generate an Arts Practice.

The Berkshire Conference –Tradition and the Arts

Art and Culture are knowledges, which offer perspectives of reality. But they are divided by their function in time.  While culture is the sum of knowledges already in existence due to the functions of history and therefore reflects what we call Tradition – Art is a forerunner of the future. Both the artist and the mystic anticipate the future, are outside the collective suggestion and express knowledge which has yet to become part of the collective.

The Berkshire Conference –Tradition and the Arts

Issues around the use of tradition and receptivity of work within and outside the Country.

Theatre Research and Laboratory Outside the Urb:
Problems & Possibilities

Artistes who move away from the city may get an opportunity to focus more on their craft, but at the same time they have to balance the reality of being away from where the action is – in the cities.